2020 Election
Beginning with the 2020 Elections, Hawaii votes by mail and all voters will automatically receive their ballot in the mail 18 days prior to each election.
The upcoming November 3rd General Election is a very important one. Voters have a chance to make a difference for their family, community, state and nation. Hawaii Family Forum (HFF) is excited that Hawai’i legislators have made it even easier for people to vote by ensuring same-day registration!
HFF makes it easy for all voters to compare candidates and find what is on their ballot with the nonpartisan Voters Guide. The HFF Voters Guide covers statewide candidates, US Representative and Senatorial districts.
General Election Voter’s Guide Now Available!
HFF is nonpartisan – it does not support or oppose any candidate or party. Therefore, the candidate’s responses to questions are in their own words and are not edited. HFF reached out to each candidate two times during production.
We understand that candidates do not respond to our survey, so we have added a new feature! Now with our new active hyperlinks embedded directly in the PDF, you can also find biographical information about candidates for federal and state races by clicking on their campaign website! You can also send them an email or give them a call if you want to discuss their positions and find out more about where they stand on issues important to you. As a gentle reminder, please be courteous when you call the candidates. Most of them are happy to discuss their positions with you.But...candidates don't respond,
More Ways to get involved:
- Download the 2018 General Election Voter’s Guide to see how the candidates may have responded two years ago.
- Download the 2016 General Election Voter’s Guide to see how candidates may have responded four years ago.
- Billy Graham’s “Five Biblical Principals for Christian Voters“
- Give what you can toward HFF’s Voter Guide efforts. Your donation will help us get the Voter Guide to thousands of Hawai’i voters.
- Supply your church with Voter Guides by printing bulk copies and sharing them with your church community.
- Spread the word about the guide by forwarding this post to friends. There is a link on the bottom of this notice so you can share with friends.
P.S. Don’t delay! Access your free Guide online, then make a donation.
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