Hawaii’s Partnership for Appropriate & Compassionate Care



Hawaii’s Partnership for Appropriate and Compassionate Care (HPACC) is a coalition of health care, disability rights, advocacy, and educational organizations united in opposition to any attempts to legalize physician‐ assisted suicide (PAS) and physician‐assisted death (PAD). We are also united in support of positive, constructive alternatives to PAS and PAD, such as more effective pain management, better diagnosis and treatment of depression and greater use of hospice care.

When & Why was HPACC Formed?

HPACC was formed in December 1998 by Hawaii Family Forum and the Hawaii Medical Association. It was formed in response to the recommendation of the majority of members of Governor Ben Cayetano’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Living and Dying with Dignity. In June of 1998, the panel recommended legalizing both PAS and PAD. The HPACC coalition is based on a model from Michigan where a diverse group of organizations came together to successfully defeat a November 3, 1998, ballot initiative to legalize PAS in Michigan.

HPACC Newsletter and FAQ